Photo from retrieved iphone
photo from retrieved iphoneMy week-end started with a tech chase. I was driving to my weekly pick-up TouchFootball game when I decided to run in to Starbuck to get a pre-game Americano for a cafeine boost that would accompanie my iphone playing some motivating beats. I parked on College.
4 minutes later, I jump into my car, turn the ignition and realize that my iphone is no longer sitting in the Car craddle, where I had left it there carelessly. I had also not locked my door. (I know, I know but I didn't get the remote powerdoors feature on my car Honda.) I sit for a split second poundering my stupidity then I realize nothing to fear. I have MOBILEME it syncs all my contacts and I can remote wipe it and I CAN LOCATE IT AT ALL TIMES!
1. I am a half a block away from Toronto Metro Police station div. 14
2. When I get there it's a slow morning at the cop station.
3. They have a computer and some damn fine police talent.
I explained the situation to the receiving officer and he got it right away. Time was of the essence. So directed me to another officer who was at a computer station. I logged into my account and use the FIND MY PHONE feature. First thing I did was remote lock it then explained to the officer what this service offer. She proceded to take over the station and remote call the phone (a feature which is typically in my opinion used to find your iphone when you have misplaced it in your house) , the phone rings for 2 mins even if it is on vibrate. 2 officers decide to walk up the street and see if anybody is suspicious with an iphone in the location indicated on the Google Maps powered application. The phone is not moving for about 7 mins now.
The officers return without my iphone and tell me that I should file a report just so it is logged. I ask to use the computer to remote wipe my phone to clean it of it's contacts and personal info but on the refresh; we notice that the phone is on the move. A very tech savy officer (I can see by the way he worked the keyboard and browser) swiftly opens a new tab with full Google Maps. and uses Streetview to get a visual of the area. He takes my number down, tells the computer station officer to keep hailing the iphone via Find My Phone and takes a quick snap with his smartphone of the map location. He calls for a car to go and cover a rear enterance of the street and he goes off to the location.
Toronto's Finest caught the iphone car thief moments later. He also had a laptop and 3 car GPS units with him and had already stripped my phone from its custom skin and had put a new rubber case on it.
Well little over an hour after the theft, amongst the now busy with activity Police Station, I had my iphone back in hand. Thanks MOBILEME, GOOGLE MAPS and the Men and Women of Division 14 of Metro Police.